Nexion - Seven Oracles (Album Review)

Nexion - Seven Oracles
Release date: 20/6/2020
Label: Avantgarde Music
By: J.C.L.

It's almost a expectation that whenever I sit down to listen to some Icelandic black metal, the end product is a top-notch quality album and experience. Latest to surface from this mystical country is Nexion's debut album "Seven Oracles", so let's see if my expectations are met once more..

I was already familiar with their first EP from 2017, so I have of course been looking forward to how their material would translate into a full-length experience. As with most releases from Iceland, the production has been handed to the talented Stephen Lockhart, whose capable production wizardry has helped delivering us the sounds of many great bands. This production is no exception to that great sound; especially the guitar and drums stand out, and the raspy and rabid vocals are mixed to perfection. I would however wish that the bass guitar had received such attention, as it had on their EP, but it's become it's own trope by now to forget this instrument, especially in the world of black metal.


"Seven Oracles" is, perhaps fittingly, seven tracks of black/death metal, with a sound that would please both fans of fellow countrymen like Sinmara and Misþyrming, as well as having quite a few Behemoth-worthy moments. Songs like "Revelation of Unbeing" and "Sanctum Amentiae" really showcase the relation to the latter, with the merciless machine-gun drumming on the former being a real highlight of the album. At other times the fusion of cold dissonant Icelandic elements with the Polish vibes is more completed, with the opening title-song and the single "The Spirit of Black Breath" being more well-measured in their blend of these two elements.

As the album progresses, the listener is clearly drawn into the fray, as the albums shifts tempo into slower songs like "Sanctum Amentiae" and "Utterances of Broken Throats", which actually suits the albums atmosphere-building. and before the album ends the listener is also treated to "The Spirit of Black Breath", which is one of the best tracks of "Seven Oracles", and easily able to stand on it's own. The album closes with another slower tempo song in the form of "The Last Messiah", which is an ample way to end the album on a more brooding note.

A wise man once said; "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", and Nexion is quite the flattering band with this record. Overall "Seven Oracles" comes off as an intense record, packed with bone-crushing riffs and ritualistic atmosphere, but it's main pitfall is that the material is not that groundbreaking nor original. If however you can make your peace with that, you will be quite entertained by this album nonetheless.

I give this album
Out of 6

Favorite tracks: Revelation of Unbeing, Sanctum Amentiae, The Spirit of Black Breath
1. Seven Oracles
2. Revelation of Unbeing 
3. Divine Wind and Holocaust Clouds
4. Sanctum Amentiae 
5. Utterances of Broken Throats 
6. The Spirit of Black Breath
7. The Last Messiah
