Undergang - Aldrig i Livet (Album review)

Undergang - Aldrig i Livet
Release date: 4/12/2020
Label: Dark Descent Records
Written byJ.C.L.

25 years ago, a band called Iniquity released what I consider the magnum opus of danish death metal, an album called Serenadium, which gained some underground fame. Almost as fast as the album was released, the group almost disbanded, and went through a line-up change that left none of the original members in. And since then not much was heard from any death metal bands in Denmark. Today’s review is about none of that, but about the album that challenged my perception of danish death metal, and might have usurped the old king..

Undergang has in their 12 year existence become a force unto themselves, both in Denmark as a major player in the Kill-Town circle as well as internationally. They have in other words helped put death metal back on the menu. “Aldrig I livet” is the title of the latest Undergang album, their fifth, which was released in December, and the more eagle-eyed visitors to our site may have spotted that “Aldrig I livet” went straight to the top of my top 10 Danish albums list. And to be honest, I did not expect that when I started listening, but then again the most pleasant surprises are often unexpected.

Undergang proves on “Aldrig i livet” that their brand of rotten, old-school death metal is not only very well composed, but enjoyable, filled with great riffs and nasty to the point of actually being fun. Being able to understand Danish won’t help you decipher the lyrics, unless you have them in front of you, yet frontman David’s deep, almost droning, growl has its own merit in the delivery of the blood-drenched lyrics about cannibalism, desecration of corpses and organ harvesting. Also, I am thankful that Undergang sticks to Danish, in a genre where English seems compulsory and the default choice, daring to be different is a bold choice, which I commend.


However, the real stars of this record are the guitars and drums. The low doom-tempo sections, mid-tempo d-beats, the guitar harmonics, the quieter sections and the overall “feeling” of this album creates a very disturbing soundscape, like being imprisoned in an abattoir. Songs which exemplifies all of this, “Ufrivillig Donation Af Vitale Organer” and “Rødt Dødt Kød”, while a track like "Menneskeæder" with its numerous drum breaks makes it impossible not to bang your head in rhythm. “Indtørret lig” evokes memories of American death metal masters like Autopsy, especially the lead guitar, which, I was actually surprised to learn, was handled by former Iniquity guitarist Mads Haarløv. Many, if not all songs, have great leads and good dynamism between the instruments, and only a few moments throughout which I consider to be “filler”. 

The mixing and mastering by Greg Wilkinson is very much grimy, in a way that appeals to my sense of lo-fi black metal, but no instrument is compromised by this, and compared to the last album “Misantropologi”, this production is a definite improvement.

It’s rare that this firm black metal fan is surprised, but Undergang has pulled the rug from underneath me. “Aldrig I livet” is as old-school, ugly and nasty as good old-school death metal should be, and it is absolutely glorious grotesque fun. It's rare that I headbang much, but “Aldrig I livet” had me rocking the skull out of my head from start to finish, in a way I can’t remember any danish band has done to me for years.

I give this album

Out of 6

Favorite Tracks: Indtørret Lig, Menneskeæder, Ufrivillig Donation af Vitale Organer, Rødt Dødt Kød



2.Spontan bakteriel selvantændelse 

3.Indtørret lig 


5.Ufrivillig donation af vitale organer

6.Sygelige nydelser (Del 3) Emetofili 

7.Usømmelig omgang med lig 

8.Aldrig i livet 

9.Rødt dødt kød 

10.Man binder ikke et dødt menneske (*Bonus track)

Undergang links:

Bandcamp: https://undergang.bandcamp.com/


