Ildskær - Paa Dækket Kalder De Døde (EP Review)

Ildskær - Paa Dækket Kalder De Døde
Release date: 22/3/2021
Label: Wolfspell Records
Written by: X.K

These two massively productive Danish musicians Garðarsson & Skovgænger offered this newly released Ildskær EP 'Paa dækket kalder de døde' about a month ago already. For some reason, this project has been tough for me to take in compared to Í Myrkri. I find it kind of dry as dust musically as it doesn't progress far from as mentioned each of their other projects Genfærd and Í Myrkri, who has already formed its own sound. It comes on more pale than I wished for, the concept and lyrics seem to be on a deeper plan as I know how fascinated these themes unfold and inspire them both. 

These three songs manage to cover a sum of twenty-eight minutes. 'Natten er tyst' is the opening song that builds up to a rising level that really highlights the drums as they perform quite a little too far front in the mix, empty and angular but survives to give the tracks a good touch with lots of cymbals. Not to forget hot epic and almost completely sacred the start of the track is, instrumental then gradually moving towards the darker giving a feeling of something burning. Nine minutes and thirty-five seconds that has a lot to offer. The thing is how manic its energy gets as it offers a bit of that Lifelover (Swedish DSBM band) over it with the happy and slightly heavier tones dancing around like a mood-swinging bomb. Like it also manages to seem a bit like two songs in one as it starts and ends in two completely different places.

'Blodrøde bølger' creates much enthusiasm right from the start with the exact opposite effect than the opening track. All instruments operate up to each other and create an unstoppable head-shaking explosion (sounds like a killer live song). The vocals are story-telling, with its defined hoarse voice, emotions are brought out which provides the story a more lively touch that continues with its heavy and uplifting tempo. The last contribution 'Den sidste orlogsmand' includes some special vocals by the talented Simon N. from the Danish black metal project Wulfaz. His hoarse and dark voice opens up the song and fits incredible well into this project as the atmosphere from the 1800s story behind this EP marks a period of drastic change, which seems to cover pretty well with his contribution of such a medieval attitude. 'Paa dækket kalder de døde' ends as it started with a sacred melancholy aura and fire burning, like a sad love story.

The music fits incredibly well into the happenings itself. I totally understand the urge to create such a project that can contain so much and with their affection for history, but all in all, I would have wanted this EP to give a more unique sound experience that could have blown me away for more than fifteen minutes out of the twenty-eight given. 

We give this album
Out of 6

Favorite songs: Blodrøde bølger Tracklist: 1. Natten er tyst
2. Blodrøde bølger
3. Den sidste orlogsmand

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