Welcome back to our new monthly segment, Under/Current. Here we will cover the music we currently find inspirational, the music we look forward to in the near future, and what we are currently listening to. In addition to X.K. and J.C.L., we have our new reviewer, P.S., onboard today.
Currently Inspirational:
What this record has to offer is beyond this world, and after its release earlier this year I have been coming back to it countless times. The next step would be to giving this a listen underwater during a swim in the ocean. If you are into any kind of doom type of music, this is for you!
Our review of Subaqueous is here!
Our review of Subaqueous is here!
NONE - Damp Chill of Life
Here we have one of my most inspirational artists. While currently working on some music project myself, this last year’s release has given me encouragement and thoughts beyond my wildest delusions. The entire record screams serenity even though it is stated as depressive music. There is just something deeper here, where each released record has had that same overall “theme” sound, although there never is an identical feeling from the listener.
Here we have one of my most inspirational artists. While currently working on some music project myself, this last year’s release has given me encouragement and thoughts beyond my wildest delusions. The entire record screams serenity even though it is stated as depressive music. There is just something deeper here, where each released record has had that same overall “theme” sound, although there never is an identical feeling from the listener.
Currently looking forward to:
In 2018, Wardruna released an album, Skald, that just wasn't for me. Previously offerings have given huge takes on the folk and ambient music world, which I hopefully can be attracted to once again with the forthcoming album, that has been postponed to January 22nd, 2021 due to the world circumstances. They have just released the single ‘Lyfjaberg’ where the true spirit and healing of Wardruna’s voice accounts for the long waiting of “Kvitravn”, while they promise to be releasing a good handful of songs before it is fully released.
Dauþuz - Grubenfall 1727
Last year turned out to be my first encounter with these creative souls, as they released their 3rd album “Monvmentvm” that took me by great surprise. This second EP of theirs will be out this Friday, and from my listening to the entire three tracks, I am once again thrilled by their artistry. The old feel that hangs within the soundscape represents something refreshing and even majestic. I look forward to giving this record a greater amount of hearings.
Fellwarden - Wreathed In Mourncloud
Another of Friday’s upcoming releases to be excited about is the second full-length album by North-Western England’s atmospheric/folk metal project Fellwarden, which consists of members of Fen. It has been a new discovery of mine, and as we are so lucky to have been able to listen to this before its officially out, I can recommend this for every fan of ambient landscape music, as it offers that really deep beautiful connection between post-black metal and pure atmosphere, that leaves a mark profoundly. One of my personal favorites so far this year.
Another of Friday’s upcoming releases to be excited about is the second full-length album by North-Western England’s atmospheric/folk metal project Fellwarden, which consists of members of Fen. It has been a new discovery of mine, and as we are so lucky to have been able to listen to this before its officially out, I can recommend this for every fan of ambient landscape music, as it offers that really deep beautiful connection between post-black metal and pure atmosphere, that leaves a mark profoundly. One of my personal favorites so far this year.
Listened to this week:
One of this week’s Friday’s upcoming releases will be the striking debut album from Finish Gloom. This record has an absolute melancholy feel to it with an overwhelming suicidal disturbance. That authentic Finnish black metal sound remains throughout and keeps the spirit fully there. Definitely excited about this album.
Back in 2018, I was very much guilty of giving this album most of its many views, and this has still not changed here two years later. This atmospheric treasure is an instrumental EP that presents calming melancholy guitar riffs that do not have much of change throughout, as it goes quite monotonously, which works for this very melodic piece of an atmospheric soundscape.
Currently Inspirational:

This album was released in February, and it was only a few days ago when I finally gave this album a spin. To my surprise I found a well-established band with 18 full-lengths behind them in 16 years, when researching them… huh, I never knew! “Viimeinen Juoksu” has a very special, almost nostalgic, sound to it. If not for the current release date, I would easily have guessed 1996 as the year which it came out. It strikes some of the same melancholic chords with me as that era’s Finnish black metal, with just a hint of doom and gloom.

Another piece of black dissonant goodness brought to you from Iceland. Having also reviewed another Icelandic release this month in the form of Nexion’s debut album, I am actually preferring Illkynja’s effort more in terms of originality and soundscape. The latter especially caught on with me, and I found myself easier lost in “Sæti Sálarinnar”’s hellish world.
Currently looking forward to:

I’ve crossed paths with Dauþuz’s mining themed music from time to time, and a few days from now they will release a new EP called "Grubenfall 1727". If it is as good as “Monvmentvm” and it’ s rhythm/lead guitar driven form of black metal, then we are in for a treat.

It seems that us mere mortals FINALLY are getting that Paysage d'Hiver release that was so mysterious a few months ago tomorrow on the 26th. In addition to being Paysage d’Hiver's first actual full length release, it contains more than 2 hours(!) of music. Now we actually have a single to show you, and it's as frigid and hypnotic as it has ever been.
Listened to this week:

Summertime in my home means time for Eyehategod. I’ve long had a soft spot for this New Orleans sludge band, and what can be described as a blend of blues, doom metal and punk, and the album I always return to is “Take as Needed for Pain” from 1993. Talk about an album that's angry, anguished and at the bottom of a bottle of cheap booze, I can think of few finer companions for a blazing sunny day

Glory to death indeed. It’s been too long since I’ve heard some hard hitting new Death Metal, and Ljosazabojstwa have certainly accomplished that with their debut full-length. This Belarusian band has been a welcome surprise with its frenzied riffs, loud vocals and surprisingly long songs, which never seems to lose breath.
Currently Inspirational:

This is the first full-length album from this band and it is an instant classic mixing of hardcore with old school Entombed-style riffs. The record is produced by Kurt Balou (Converge) so the riffs and the overall sound is amazing. It is a powerhouse of riffs that gets my blood pumping in the same way Exodus “Bonded by Blood” did the first time I heard it. The way Kurt Balou has put his personal touch on it, without making it a Converge copy album, just makes this album amazing. The cover for the album was done by painter/artist Mariusz Lewandowski, who also did the artwork for Bell Witch's masterpiece of an album "Mirror Reaper" as well as for bands like Abigail Williams and Mizmor. He gets his inspiration from music and unexplained phenomena, and the work itself comes from embarking into the deepest layers of his subconscious and coming up with an artwork that gives room to put your own thoughts and interpretation in to the art itself.

This band out of Virginia has carved out their very impressive sound, bringing together sludge with post black metal, doom, and every other genre of metal you can think of. I had the pleasure of seeing them live two times, just amazing. I recommend this album as well as “Paradise Gallows”, which is my personal favorite.
Currently looking forward to:

This soul-crushing trio from Denver is simply put the heaviest band in the world and one of my personal favorites. They play this stripped down extremely primitive version of death doom and do it better than just about anyone. Judging from the first single of the new album, this will be no different.
Listened to this week:
This album was just released on Southern Lord Records and DAMMMMN its and absolutely brilliant mix of heavy sludge akin to Crowbar, mixed with thrash and LA hardcore. In my opinion the best album yet, the future looks bright!
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